Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life is just a whole learning process. I'm learning everyday. I just learnt that i can edit my blogs after posting them by clicking on the little pencil icon, which I didn't notice until my brother pointed it out (refer to previous post).

I feel like making a list of something. Some of my pet peeves:

1. i don't like it when people replace S's with Z's when texting, for example, hopez instead of hopes.

2. Why do some people ask me if i'm crying? Didn't you see me yawn a second earlier??

3. Football can bring out strong emotions and certain competitive spirit amongst fans. But please, think of better things to say other than 'Liverpool suck, dude'

4. Yes, I'm not what you'd call a tall person, but it's not my fault. It's all (or partly. Mostly) in the genes

5. I love the rain. Just not when i have to dry my glasses every 5 seconds only to get it wet again

7. Josh/Zac/Luke - STOP leaving empty chocolate wrappers in the fridge!

If you noticed, I skipped from 5 straight to 7. I don't like the number 6. I find it a rather snooty- looking number.

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