Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I will tell you a story about BOB (name always written in blue font and in caps lock). He's a cool little stick figure i created during art class when i was really bored. This is what BOB looks like:

Isn't he the cutest? You need to know some facts about BOB, besides the fact that he's TOTALLY a product of wild imagination :)

1. BOB has blue hair
2. BOB has two left feet, but he does a fierce tango
3. BOB likes the word 'guacomole'
4. BOB has a pet refrigerator named 'Nose'
5. BOB does not like to wear shoe laces. He keeps tripping over them
7. BOB, like me, does not like the number 6
8. BOB has no eyebrows
9. BOB prefers Adidas to Nike
10. BOB has no pants
11. BOB likes tulips

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