Monday, August 10, 2009

I am in an environmental mood now so i am typing in green font.

I want to tell you what happened to me on Friday night. First of all, my family and i recently moved to some place in PJ. Where it is MOSQUITO INFESTED. Seriously, I was covered in mozzie bites from my forehead to the bottom of my feet on the first day itself! As a result, I've been wearing long pants with socks (mismatched) every single night.

Then one fine day, Grandpa brought us the ultimate weapon- a badminton racket-looking mosquito KILLER. It's got this electric fence where the strings of a badminton racket would be. It kills mosquitoes by cooking them and pumping 9 volts into their wretched bodies, making them EXPLODE! into a million pieces. This happens when you turn the power on of course.

So getting back to what i was actually trying to say, on Friday night I thought i'd go on a sort of a mosquito massacre. The casualties amounted to an impressive 2-digit total. Anyway, I used the racket for quite a while.

Then after a while, my hand suddenly felt charged. I am not kidding. My nerves and muscles felt clenched, and then i got this humungous bruise on my hand! It's the bit of flesh that's in between your thumb and your wrist (is there a name for it?). It looked like a swollen plum. I got a bit scared and refused to wash my hands in water for a while (just in case i get an electric shock haha).
I couldn't write, either. It felt like there was a slight force pulling my hand back, preventing me from taking IT notes haha.

My arm's okay now. I am never using that mosquito thing again, though. I'll get my brothers to do the killing instead.

1 comment:

  1. "I am in an environmental mood now so i am typing in green font"

    Aless yyou need to be more greenier...
