Sunday, April 25, 2010

I am dumbfounded as to why, but a tiny segment of the world (the majority of which are facebook users) is currently going through a turban phase. Yes, turban.

This can be loosely explained as a bizarre phenomenon in which a word in a movie/show/song is replaced by the word 'turban' thereby inducing uproarious laughter from the followers of this phenomenon, and/or exasperated groans from the non-followers. This phenomenon also includes turban jokes and statements.

I feel I must apologize to all the Sikhs out there, who must be taking a considerable amount of offense from these rather insensitive people.

Unfortunately, two of my brothers have succumbed to this turban phase, thus driving me up the wall. Every conversation we have will include one, if not more, turban 'jokes' and statements. Many of them were derived from facebook, while many more from the nonsensical section of my brothers' brains.

From facebook:
Zac&Luke: What the turban! (WTT, replacing WTF. I have to admit I prefer WTT)
: No more toilet paper! ...*Slowly unravels turban*

: All these turban jokes are making me sikh!

Not from facebook:
Zac&Luke: Turbanator 3: Rise of the turban

Luke: Turban WarsIV: A New Turban
Turban WarsV: The Turban Strikes Back
Turban WarsVI: Return of the Turban
Turban WarsI: The Phantom Turban
Turban War
sII: Attack of the Turban
Turban War
sIII: Revenge of the Turban

Luke: Hey guys! Turbanformers2: Revenge of the Turban
Me: Not funny, Luke

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