Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some of my college administrators encourage us students to participate in as many clubs/activities as we can. As the head of the matriculation Center (I think he's the head) puts it - "It's not just about getting A's in exams, it's about developing your soft skills." Way to go, Mr. Head of the Matriculation Dept!

I've thus decided to sign up for a couple of clubs like CF, maybe dodgeball (I'm serious). I signed up for the (ok, not serious about the dodgeball) Community Service Sphere today after surviving a gruelling interview with the president of the Student Council.

How did one of my brothers respond when i broke the news to him? He played the punchline drum! You know, the drum sound that plays after a lame joke. You know what it sounds like, right?

If no, click here to find out!

( I actually wanted to fool you guys when you clicked on the 'click here' text. I was going to colour it hyperlink-blue and underline it, fooling you into thinking it was actually a link! Sadly, there is no underline icon here and therefore just have to provide the actual link. )

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