Friday, June 19, 2009

Yes, it has been a while.
Yes, I've been very busy.
Yes, the world is not flat as we once believed it to be.

No, I do not believe in unicorns (EXCEPT Charlie and the two creepy unicorns
And yes, IT'S MY 99TH POST!

Right now, the song 'Super freak', sung by some dude is playing in my head. Over and over again, like a song on 'repeat' on an iPod playlist.

Almost every day, there would be a song stuck in my head. It's like chewing gum that refuses to detach from your shoe; you can't get it out no matter how hard you try (Don't know if that's a good comparison but, oh heck).
If it's a good song, then it's fine. But if it's a song like 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt, or any Miley Cyrus/High school musical song, then it's a problem. You have to go through absolute torture just trying to get rid of the song, and even the really awesome songs can't defeat it.

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