Monday, March 16, 2009

Sometimes, when I'm spacing out, there's like a flash flood of thoughts gushing into my mind and i suddenly feel overwhelmed and incredibly hungry. Then, when i sit down on the swivel chair to type it down, i totally forget. Then, when I get up go eat or respond to nature's call, they come flooding back to my head! How frustrating is that?
It's like when I once had to bake some cookies, but i forgot to add sugar, so my grandmother passed them to all her diabetic friends.

So, since those thoughts have decided to play hide-and-seek with me, I'll just write whatever enters my head.

Like lemons. Oh, that reminds me, I like looking at birds (ok, no relation there). I get really amused watching them. The way their heads bob up and down like they're dancing to some bollywood song. Especially the Myna birds. They like to chase each other around while their heads bob like those bob-head toys.

I think I'll keep a book with me wherever I go so I can write down stuff I think about (selected, of course). Like how my dearest freind keeps a book with her about a load of crap i say.

Gonna space out again. This time, I'll make sure i wont forget

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