Monday, March 30, 2009
The Real List
I'm not gonna tell anyone what's on my To-Do-List because I myself am not really sure.
I have this habit of making plans to do something, forgetting, then making plans to do something else on the same day.
Then i end up not doing either of the things
- Get a penguin
- Leave comments on every video i watch on Youtube
- Buy EVERY SINGLE packet of those sour stretchy sweets from the supermarket
- Learn how to cook (ha!)
- Perfect the Japanese accent
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Some words that I just don't like saying:
- Maintenance
- Scheme
- Lotion
- Bombastic
- Smelly
- Duku (langsat)
There are other words. Just can't recall any right now
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Smiley Faces
I prefer it to these smiley faces - :-) and =) and xD (I'm not even sure if this is even a smiley)
Isn't he the cutest? You need to know some facts about BOB, besides the fact that he's TOTALLY a product of wild imagination :)
1. BOB has blue hair
2. BOB has two left feet, but he does a fierce tango
3. BOB likes the word 'guacomole'
4. BOB has a pet refrigerator named 'Nose'
5. BOB does not like to wear shoe laces. He keeps tripping over them
7. BOB, like me, does not like the number 6
8. BOB has no eyebrows
9. BOB prefers Adidas to Nike
10. BOB has no pants
11. BOB likes tulips
Monday, March 23, 2009

My little pine tree
My brother's birthday today, so we were sitting around the table filling our stomachs with carbonated drinks. Then i started thinking of funny-named drinks. Here's my the top 3, what i think, funny-named drinks:
1. Kickapoo Joy juice - ??
2. Michael Jackson (soya bean cin cau. White and black, get it?)
3. Tiger Beer
I have NO idea what those drink-namers were thinking. My other brother (Zac) is chasing me off the laptop now. He likes to say he likes soya bean. He studies a lot but blatantly denies it. I was going to upload a photo of him posing with a cardboard cut-out sheep but he said it was embarrasing and, me being a good sister :) I didn't.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Socks, Mulan, & Mr. PotatoHead
My brothers and I were discussing some rubbish over dinner. If we were a Disney character, who would we be?
I think I would be Mulan haha. The brave fighter Mulan. Not the clumsy one. Good movie. And my siblings would be Timon, Pumba, and Mr. Potato Head.
My friend Joyousness told me she'd be one of my faithful blog-readers. Now I will HAVE to update it regularly. Thank you for this motivation Joyous:)
I think that when people read my blog they will either:
1. Scratch their head and go "huh?"
2. Roll their eyes until their eyes roll out of their sockets
3. Go "that is so Alessandra"
4. Say "I didn't know she's so strange!"
5. LOL
I hope it's the 5th option.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"You're wondering who I am (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
Machine or mannequin (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
With parts made in Japan (Secret secret, I've got a secret)
I am the modern man"
Genius song.
Pineapples. My brother asked to talk about pineapples. I once had a whole tray of pineapple. My tongue started bleeding only 5 minutes after swallowing the last piece. Every time someone asks me what's on my mind, I say pineapple, by default.
Bohemian Phapsody by Queen. Another awesome song.
"I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-
Galileo,galileo,Galileo galileoGalileo figaro-magnifico-O-o-O-o-O-o...
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye-
So you think you can love me and leave me to die-
Oh baby-cant do this to me baby-
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here.."
Just gotta get out, Just gotta get right outta here
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Every night, when i have dinner with my family, without fail, there's bound to be laughter. I'm usually the one laughing the hardest ( i typed laughest the hardest just now. Haha.) I could give examples, but yet again, they've totally eluded me.
This purple I'm using now to type? Nice colour. I wish my room walls were this colour. It's orange instead, which i like too. And I've got a cool lava lamp and mirror ball in my room too! Totally retro. Thinking of getting those cool beaded curtains and a tie-dye t-shirt and a hippie wig too. Haha
I have green glasses. When I meet someone new, the first thing they say to me is 'Wow. you're the first person I've seen with green glasses' or 'nice glasses' (with just a hint of sarcasm). So, all those out there with green glasses, you will never walk alone.
Monday, March 16, 2009
It's like when I once had to bake some cookies, but i forgot to add sugar, so my grandmother passed them to all her diabetic friends.
So, since those thoughts have decided to play hide-and-seek with me, I'll just write whatever enters my head.
Like lemons. Oh, that reminds me, I like looking at birds (ok, no relation there). I get really amused watching them. The way their heads bob up and down like they're dancing to some bollywood song. Especially the Myna birds. They like to chase each other around while their heads bob like those bob-head toys.
I think I'll keep a book with me wherever I go so I can write down stuff I think about (selected, of course). Like how my dearest freind keeps a book with her about a load of crap i say.
Gonna space out again. This time, I'll make sure i wont forget
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I feel like making a list of something. Some of my pet peeves:
1. i don't like it when people replace S's with Z's when texting, for example, hopez instead of hopes.
2. Why do some people ask me if i'm crying? Didn't you see me yawn a second earlier??
3. Football can bring out strong emotions and certain competitive spirit amongst fans. But please, think of better things to say other than 'Liverpool suck, dude'
4. Yes, I'm not what you'd call a tall person, but it's not my fault. It's all (or partly. Mostly) in the genes
5. I love the rain. Just not when i have to dry my glasses every 5 seconds only to get it wet again
7. Josh/Zac/Luke - STOP leaving empty chocolate wrappers in the fridge!
If you noticed, I skipped from 5 straight to 7. I don't like the number 6. I find it a rather snooty- looking number.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
As you can see the background is a light colour cause i feel very light. Well, i just finished my final maths paper today wooHoo! I think i'll write a song 'No More Maths':
'x + y = who cares?
No more algebraic nightmares...'
I really like my phone wallpaper. It's a picture of a little penguin my mom painted. It's donning a santa hat. I think i'll name the penguin Nelson.
My leg is so yellow! I slipped (not on a banana peel) 2 weeks ago and got my leg nicely sewed up with 10 stitches. It's yellow cause of that flavin medicine. It was red two weeks ago cause of the blood gushing out and ruining my white sock. It kept thinking of the Red Sea when i saw the blood.
I'm listening to Supermassive Black Hole and trying to type in sync with the beat. Not that easy.
I'm gonna space out now.