Saturday, May 22, 2010

My brother has decided that he wants his s p a c e o u t nickname to be Hard Core Jelly.
That was my pick for him too. He plays the drums and and can play for over half an hour straight and to be able to do that it requires a strong stomach i.e a hard core. So in that case he has a hard core. But when he's not banging on the drums his core is so soft it feels (and even wobbles) like jelly.

Hence the name Hard Core Jelly

On the back of an O Briens' staff 's t-shirt I saw two days ago:

I can resist everything except temptation

I always get mixed up between a wrench and a spanner. Is that a wrench or a spanner (I point to a tool lying on the table)?
Bill Nie: That's a plier

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I found a group on facebook that I should've created first:

Procrastinators unite! ..... tomorrow

Friday, May 14, 2010

I was given a Kenny G dvd last Sunday. To watch.
Strange gift if you do not play sax nor are you a contemporary jazz fan or a Kenny G fan or if you're racist and don't like Jews (which Kenny G is).

I play sax so i wouldn't call it a strange gift. But it's strange that I've been learning the sax for almost a year and today was the first time hearing Kenny G play. I was a bit (only a bit) distracted by his curls and my urge to grab a hair straightener and get someone to straighten his hair out just so I could see how long his hair is.

Anyway I told Father that Kenny G is Jewish and after a slight pause he goes 'well that would explain his nose' and after a slightly longer pause he says 'have you seen Barbara Streisand's nose? She's like 30% nose and 70% rest of her body'.

Hahaha I almost choked on my chicken rice.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My family said I've never mentioned my name on my blog but I'm happily and explicitly revealing theirs haha. So I've decided to substitute their actual names for nicknames which I should've done in the first place.

My parents will be 'Mother' and 'Father'

Oldest brother will be Bill Nie the Science Guy (J is a good explainer of scientific concepts and is a pretty logical person).

Other brother Z will be Brick. He's got a hard head and when he shoves you aside/rams into you (he does that sometimes if you are in his way) it feels like you've been head butted by a brick wall.

Youngest brother L will be- Oh I don't know yet. I've shortlisted:
  • Skywalker
  • Chacharron Macarron (CM)
  • Hard Core Jelly
  • Inventor
I think I've blogged about a certain cactus phase I went through sometime last year?
Well, during that rough and pokey time of my life (ok that was not funny. Atrocious attempt at a pun), my brother had created some cactus images using CAD, for my birthday.

Awesome ones he did!

Oh dear they look a bit tiny here.

Monday, May 3, 2010

- H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y -


25 years really isn't that old! :)
Have a wonderful marvelous magnificent awesome day today!

Two days ago I went with Joy and Joanna and my brothers to a funfair that my friend's church had organised. We called it the Unfair Funfair though. Don't get me wrong; it was a very well organized one and I saw everyone else having fun. It was unfair to Joy Luke Josh and me because we kept losing all the games we played!

The funfair had all sorts of games. You hand the person in charge of the booth 2 coupons and you can play an unlimited number of rounds for a chance at redeeming some interesting prizes. We were handed a slip of paper and if we win a point we get a chop on the paper. The more chops you have the better the prize. Joy, Luke and I played quite a few games. None of us had gotten a single chop. Hahahaha!

It was sad really.