Monday, September 28, 2009

I would like to show you The Cutest Scariest Thing EVER:

My little cousin Joseph wearing a mask (obviously) !
He found this mask in Luke's room. My dad bought the mask for Luke but Luke probably found it scary and put it away. Joseph however, would not take the mask off and tried scaring everyone who came to our house that day haha!

By the way, this mask on a little 4 year old may be cute, but the mask on an adult is downright scary!

Monday, September 21, 2009

I have to confess. When I ask someone a question, I sometimes forget to listen to the reply! (Ok, many of you, especially my family, would have already figured this out, but i just feel a need to admit this, not to mention apologize!)
This has happened on numerous occasions, mind you.
Some instances:

1. Yesterday, i asked Aunty Cyn if she had finished with the butter, and she said 'not yet, i haven't buttered the other one yet', but i happily put it back in the fridge and without hearing the reply and then Aunty said 'hey' and laughed and had to repeat herself again which is why i know what she said the first time.

2. If my mom or grandma ask me to get something for them which is in another room, i ask them where it is and forget to listen to their reply, therefore have no idea where to look for the thing.

3. I ask my brothers how their day was and what they did but forget to listen to what they are saying due to zoning out and hence have no idea how their day went!

There are many, many, many more instances.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I don't know why, but eating apple when I'm hungry makes me even hungrier.

Person1: Have a nice day :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A family of nuts throwing coconuts at coconuts
I have a mouse. It's yellow and it's body lights up when i stick it's tail into my laptop. Haha. See?

Woo! I've finally managed to transfer images and clips from my phone to my laptop. You know what that means? Yes, it means more pictures to put up here!

You know how high mosquitoes are on my "List of Things That Do Not Make Me Happy" aka " List of Things I Don't Like", right? (They are the first on my non-existent list, just in case you thought this was a rhetorical question. It's not. A rhetorical question, i mean). One of reasons why I'm not very fond of them- They make me do this (refer to pict
ure below) almost EVERY NIGHT:

And because I've covered my feet, at night they go for my face!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gah! The previous post was in purple font and so was the font before that!

My friend, Joyous, bakes these AWESOME cupcakes with really cute icing. I will upload pics of her cupcakes once i get the pics (Joyous, this is a hint for you!). If you guys wanna order (for reasons such as your little 5 year old cousin's birthday party or if you are selfish, for yourself. Haha, Ok, that wouldn't make you a selfish person. Don't get insulted or offended please) , GO RIGHT AHEAD. Well, let me know and i will tell Joy and see how to follow up from there.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh yes. I need to upload some pictures to show you. I will soon.

Yes yes yes it's been a while since my last post. So much to write but it's kinda jamming my brain and hindering the thinking process so now i have nothing to write. Gah! Zac is on my bed now in his checkered pajamas. He and Josh just came back from a cricket tournament in singapore so now they are stoning slightly.

What was it what was it what was it what was it that i wanted to write about? Darn it i don't remember. I need like a memory chair or something that would help store all the posts i wanna put up here. My memory chair would be a turquoise chair with hints of bronze curls. And a pic of BOB (blue font) at the top right corner of the back of the chair. And it would have to be a comfortable chair with a food and drinks holder on both sides. All i'd have to do is sit on the chair and WHOOOOSH all the post ideas come flooding back to my mind and an invisible light bulb will appear above my head as i go "Oh! Now i remember!!"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hahaha! My uncle (the one who doesn't know his prime numbers) can't spell very well either!
He told me I spelled 'procrastinate' wrongly. I asked him how I had spelled it. He said 'cRas'. I told him it's correct. He said it's wrong. We then conferred with my grandmother and she said 'CRAS' is correct.

So for those of you who don't know how to spell that word, it's



procastinate or pocrastinate or procrastinat or pocastinate.......

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

OK, I'm a bit lazy to update. But that's what you have to deal with when you come across procrastinators! SO deal with it haha!